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Home> For Telecalling / Marketing Data From Kolkata - 21880 B2B Companies Data - All Types Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, Corporates, Distributors, Dealers, Retailers, Professionals Etc. - In Excel Format
For Telecalling / Marketing Data From Kolkata - 21880 B2B Companies Data - All Types Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, Corporates, Distributors, Dealers, Retailers, Professionals Etc. - In Excel Format

For Telecalling / Marketing Data From Kolkata - 21880 B2B Companies Data - All Types Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, Corporates, Distributors, Dealers, Retailers, Professionals Etc. - In Excel Format

Data Content : Name Of Company, Name Of Person, City, State, Mobile No., Email Id, Business Details.
•Companies : 21880
•Persons Name : 21880
•Mobile Nos. : 21880
•Email Ids : 20779
•Business Details : 20376

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Data Description

Kolkata Telecalling Marketing Database

Businesses that are aiming to improve lead generation can get the Kolkata Telecalling Marketing Database with a person's name from 99DataCD. Our company is a premium industry data provider that specializes in providing telecalling data lists in Excel format. The list is useful for reaching the target audience efficiently and enhancing networking & collaborations with the relevant industry’s key influencers. You can connect SME, MSME, corporate, manufacturer, exporter, dealer, and distributor belonging to several trades & business segments in Kolkata. We are among the distinguished data solutions as our data is recently updated, and verified, and comes with 70-80% accuracy rate.

The B2B telecalling database in Kolkata will help you focus on high-value leads that can be converted. With this list, you can segment your potential audience that is more interested in taking your services/ products. Telecalling is a cost-effective strategy to reach a targeted audience and the database allows businesses to make the most of their efforts.

Download the Telecalling Database in Kolkata

The detailed data includes all the essential specifications such as name of company, name of person, city/state, contact number, Email ID, and business details. It is a popular database category that provides measurable results to businesses in meeting their marketing goals. Download the Kolkata telecalling database (all trades) from 99DataCD at the most cost-effective prices.

Salient features

  • Trade/Industry Coverage : All Trades
  • Number of Companies : 21880
  • Area of Coverage : Kolkata
  • 2024 Updated
  • 70% to 80% Accuracy
  • Type Of Companies : Multi National Companies, Co-Operates Companies, LTD/PVT LTD/LLP Companies, Micro, Small & Medium Business Houses And Many More..
  • Types Of Category : SME, MSME, Corporates, Manufacturer, Exporter, Dealer, Distributors
  • Data Content : Name Of Company, Name Of Person, City, State, Mobile No., Email Id, Business Details.
  • Format Of Data : Microsoft Excel Format
  • Sources of our data : From Various B2B Portals, Industrial Directories, Exhibitions Exhibitors, Exhibitions Visitors and many more sources.
  • How To Use Data : Bulk SMS Marketing, Bulk E-Mail Marketing, Tele Marketing, To Increase Your Branding, Publicity Etc., To Generate Leads For Your Sales, To Get Fresh Vendors Enquiries, To Generate New Dealers/Distributors Enquiries In New Areas etc.
  • How To Download Data :
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    After Making Successful Payment, You Will Get Instant Data Link To Download,Same Time Immediately
    We Send Another Link Of Data Through Email In Your Email Box To Download
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