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Home> 963 Companies - Grinding, Milling, Pulverizers, Ball Mills, Rolling Mills, Grinding Wheel Machines, Tools & Accessories Data - In Excel Format
963 Companies - Grinding, Milling, Pulverizers, Ball Mills, Rolling Mills, Grinding Wheel Machines, Tools & Accessories Data - In Excel Format

963 Companies - Grinding, Milling, Pulverizers, Ball Mills, Rolling Mills, Grinding Wheel Machines, Tools & Accessories Data - In Excel Format

Data Content : Company Name, Address, City, Pin Code, State, Landline No., Mobile Number, E-mail Ids, Website, Products/Services Details
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Data Description

Backed with vast industry know-how, 99DataCD is introducing another set of useful industrial data comprising Grinding, Milling, Pulverizers, Ball Mill, Rolling Mill, Grinding Wheel Machines, Tools & Accessories Data in a well organized format. This data has information (Company's Name, Address, Phone/Mobile Number, E-mail IDs, Website & Product Details, etc.) of 963 Companies (Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, Dealers, Distributors, Traders & Suppliers) dealing in these mentioned machines, tools and/or accessories.

Since we have been in this industry for a long time doesn't mean we use conventional methods of data collection. Actually, we have a widespread network of professionals who collect data from various sectors and provide us for organising and better formatting. Apart from, we also collect data from different reputed exhibitions and events that facilitate us with totally industrial data. As a result, we have a good track of record in client-satisfaction.

Involved in this sector for over 3 decades, 99DataCD has gained a good market reputation by satisfying clients with necessary industrial or business data. This is what makes us ahead of all the other competitors in this market.

Salient Features of this data:

  • Trade/ Industry Coverage: Grinding, Milling, Pulverizers, Ball Mill, Rolling Mill, Grinding Wheel Machines, Tools & Accessories
  • Number of Companies: 963
  • Area of Coverage: All Over India
  • 2024 Updated
  • 75% to 85% Accuracy
  • Products/Services Type: Grinding, Milling, Pulverizers, Ball Mill, Rolling Mill, Grinding Wheel Machines, Tools & Accessories Data
  • Type Of Companies : Multi National Companies, Co-Operates Companies, LTD/PVT LTD/LLP Companies, Micro, Small & Medium Business Houses And Many More..
  • Types Of Category : Exporters, Importers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers, Suppliers, Traders, Service Providers, Consultants
  • Data Content : Company Name, Address, City, Pin Code, State, Landline No., Mobile Number, E-mail Ids, Website, Products/Services Details
  • Format Of Data : Microsoft Excel
  • Sources of our data : From Various B2B Portals, Industrial Directories, Exhibitions Exhibitors, Exhibitions Visitors and many more sources.
  • How To Use Data: Bulk SMS Marketing, Bulk E-Mail Marketing, Tele Marketing, To Increase Your Branding, Publicity Etc., To Generate Leads For Your Sales, To Get Fresh Vendors Enquiries, To Generate New Dealers/Distributors Enquiries In New Areas etc.
  • How To Download Data :
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