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Home> 14,800 Exhibitors of 37 Exhibitions Related to Industrial, Machinery, Engg., Automation - In Excel Format (Exhibition Wise)
14,800 Exhibitors of 37 Exhibitions Related to Industrial, Machinery, Engg., Automation - In Excel Format (Exhibition Wise)

14,800 Exhibitors of 37 Exhibitions Related to Industrial, Machinery, Engg., Automation (Exhibition Wise) - In Excel Format

Data Content : Company Name, Address, City, Pin Code, State, Landline No., Mobile Number, E-mail Ids, Website, Products/Services Details
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Data Description

We, 99 Data CD, being the biggest business Data provider in India, offering a broad database collection in a single data. This data comprises data of a large number of Exhibitors participated in 37 Exhibitions based on Machinery, Tools, Engineering, Automation Etc. All the exhibitions were held during 2018-2024 throughout the India. And the Exhibitions are listed below:

  1. Engi Expo 2024
  2. Iptex & Grindex 2024
  3. Mach Auto Expo 2023
  5. Diemax International Die & Mould 2023
  6. Engi Expo Rajkot 2023
  7. Globe Tech Engg Expo 2023
  8. HIMTEX 2023
  9. IMTOS 2023
  10. INDEXPO 2023
  11. Surface & Coatings Expo-2023
  12. UMEX 2023
  13. Amtex 2022
  14. Automation Expo 2022
  15. Engg Expo 2022
  16. Expo Paint And Coatings -2022
  17. Globe-Tech Enggineering Expo 2022
  18. IMS 2022
  19. Rajkot Machine Tools Show 2022
  20. UMEX 2022
  21. Engi Expo 2020
  22. Cosmo Tech Expo 2019
  23. Engi Expo 2019, Ahmedabad
  24. Engimach 2019
  25. Engineering Expo-2019
  26. Expo Paint & Coatings 2019
  27. Gartex 2019
  28. GTTES 2019-Global Textile Technology & Engineering Show-Mumbai
  29. IETF 2019-Delhi
  30. Imtos 2019
  31. Intec 2019
  32. Amtex 2018, New Delhi
  33. Engineering Expo 2018, Pune
  35. Industrial Engineering Expo 2018, Indore
  36. MACHAUTO EXPO 2018
  37. Minerals, Metals, Metallurgy, Materials 2018, New Delhi

This data consists information of numerous Exhibitors that may be Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, Dealers, Traders, Suppliers and Service Providers, etc. This data contains the complete profile of the Exhibitors i.e. Name of the Exhibitors, Address, E-Mail ID, Website and Product/Service Details etc.
This data provides Authentic Business Data which are procured from our All India Marketing Network and our active participation in all kinds of Exhibitions. Apart from, we have also some other genuine sources of data collection. So, you can completely rely upon us for getting authentic business data.

Salient Features of our Data:

  • Trade/ Industry Coverage: Machinery, Tools, Engineering & Automation
  • Number of Exhibitions: 37
  • Area of Coverage: All Over India
  • 2024 Updated
  • 80% to 95% Accuracy
  • Product/ Services Types: Machinery, Tools, Engineering & Automation
  • Type Of Companies : Multi National Companies, Co-Operates Companies, LTD/PVT LTD/LLP Companies, Micro, Small & Medium Business Houses And Many More..
  • Types Of Category : Exporters, Importers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers, Suppliers, Traders, Service Providers, Consultants
  • Data Content : Company Name, Address, City, Pin Code, State, Landline No., Mobile Number, E-mail Ids, Website, Products/Services Details
  • Format Of Data : Microsoft Excel
  • Sources of our data : From Various B2B Portals, Industrial Directories, Exhibitions Exhibitors, Exhibitions Visitors and many more sources.
  • How To Use Data : Bulk SMS Marketing, Bulk E-Mail Marketing, Tele Marketing, To Increase Your Branding, Publicity Etc., To Generate Leads For Your Sales, To Get Fresh Vendors Enquiries, To Generate New Dealers/Distributors Enquiries In New Areas etc.
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